You can download the Allotrac Truck app at no charge from Google Play Store on your Android device.
Once you have downloaded the app, you will be able to get started with Allotrac.
Downloading the app from Google Play Store
Open the Play Store app on your android device.
Search for “Allotrac Truck” in the search bar and tap on the result.
Once you have selected the app, tap "install".
Setting up Allotrac once downloaded
Open the Allotrac Truck app.
A pop-up will appear that asks you to stop optimising battery usage. Tap “allow”. This allows Allotrac Truck to run in the background.
A pop-up will appear that asks you to allow Allotrac Truck to make and manage phone calls. Tap “allow”. This allows you to make and receive phone calls that are external to the Allotrac Truck app.
A pop-up will appear that asks you to allow Allotrac Truck to take pictures and record videos. Tap “allow”. This allows you to take photos of weighbridge dockets and PODs.
A pop-up will appear that asks you to allow Allotrac Truck to access the location of the device. Tap “allow all the time”. This allows you to use GPS services.
A pop-up will appear that asks you to allow Allotrac Truck to access photos, media, and files on your device. Tap “allow”. This allows Allotrac to upload photos of weighbridge dockets and PODs.
Read through Allotrac’s privacy policy and tap “I agree”.*
*Disclaimer – if the driver does not allow the (4) four permissions, along with agreeing to the Privacy Policy, then the Allotrac Truck application will close and not allow the driver to proceed.
You can use these same steps for any of our other apps.
Once you have successfully installed the Allotrac Truck App, please see how to download the TeamViewer QuickSupport app on your phone here.